Imagine you had a trusted AI editor that understands your style of videos, your tone, brand, and voice, and automatically created amazing edits for you, fast. Well, imagine no's here.
Want to make better videos at scale?
Create product marketing videos at scale for your e-commerce sites and increase buyer conversions.
Imagine creating dozens of clips for social medias, optimized for each platform (TikTok, Instagram, and YT Shorts) in minutes.
Imagine an AI that know which guest is speaking, and that knows the exact moment when to push in to a closer cam or go wide - all synced with your audio, and completely trained on your custom camera set-up.
Think of an AI that knows all of the different play types of your sport - from goals to grounders - that instantly creates social media clips in all types of formats to keep your fans in the game.
You allow Storylines AI to learn your style of videos, tone, & voice, the foundation to build a bespoke video editing AI, just for you.
Once trained, Storylines AI gets to work. Import raw footage and it will log and organize it, then edit it all together to create great rough cuts.
Storylines AI creates an edit that seamlessly integrates in your existing workflow, such as for Adobe Premiere, Resolve, and FCP. No new software to learn.
Storylines AI edits sequences in minutes. Seriously!
Storylines removes the tedious parts of editing, creating great rough cuts and allowing editors to focus more on the creative elements.
Storylines removes the complex and frustrating editing tasks: time which you get back.
Want to make better videos at scale?